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Just Say Yes!

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Just Say Yes!

Extreme Customer Service… How to Give It! How to Get It!

Career Press,

15 min read
10 take-aways
Audio & text

What's inside?

No matter how outrageous the request, there’s only one acceptable answer when a customer wants something: “No problem.”

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Editorial Rating



  • Applicable
  • Engaging
  • Inspiring


In this day of extreme sports and extreme fashions, Philip R. Nulman introduces you to extreme customer service, and it is every bit as exciting as ski jumping, but without the danger. With many lively and inspiring examples - all of them useful, not just present to take up space - Nulman uses his insight and expertise to show how extreme service and the "no problem" philosophy can win customers and keep them. His entertaining book cites cases from many industries, and offers plenty of practical, usable strategies. getAbstract recommends this book for businesspeople at every level, since customer loyalty in some form or another sits at the heart of all businesses success.


No Problem, No Problem, No Problem

Extreme customer service is quite simple - romance your customers in ways that can’t be duplicated or even approximated by a customer’s interaction with technology. Technology has distanced businesses from their customers. That will only hurt businesses in the long run. Customers drop their loyalties to products, services and brands when their interactions via technology make them feel that everything is the same from company to company, even though nothing could be further from the truth. There is a remedy: Although technology can’t have a relationship with customers, the people behind the technology can make important connections with them.

Customers shouldn’t just expect good service; they should demand it. Every business is in business to serve customers. If not, why bother to be in business at all? Even when a business has a complete monopoly on a particular product or service, we can demand to be treated well, with respect and care.

The management of Nordstrom, a department store chain, has boiled down their reason for being in business to two words that they live by: "no problem." Those simple words mean that any reasonable...

About the Author

Philip R. Nulman  is a highly acclaimed advertising and marketing executive and founder of FDN&P, a leading marketing and advertising agency. He was a leader in the launch of Working Mother magazine, and he is the author of Start-Up Marketing

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