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A World after Liberalism
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A World after Liberalism

Philosophers of the Radical Right

Matthew RoseYale UP • 2021

Ideologues of the Alt-Right

by David Meyer

Scholar Matthew Rose profiles the ideologues whose writings spawned and support today’s far-right philosophies.

Matthew Rose – director of the Barry Center on the University and Intellectual Life at the Morningside Institute – offers a concise but illuminating history of far-right ideology. Rose discusses the writings of five ideologues who fuel the populism and nativism of today’s post-Christian conservatism.

For decades, Western conservatism rested on the tenets of individual freedom, limited government and free trade. But in 2016, a tidal wave of dissent washed away this traditional definition of conservatism. The pushback came from the political right in Western democracies. The new right’s ideology rethinks nationalism, populism and identity politics, with many alt-right adherents openly hostile to religion.

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