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Jack Trout

10 Buch


Wie Marken und Unternehmen in übersättigten Märkten überleben
Al Ries und Jack Trout
Vahlen, 2012
6 Book


Marketing in an Era of Competition, Change, and Crisis
Jack Trout and Steve Rivkin
McGraw-Hill, 2009
7 Buch

Differenzierung im Hyperwettbewerb

Der Schlüssel für das Überleben von Marken
Jack Trout u. a.
mi-Wirtschaftsbuch, 2009
8 Book

In Search of the Obvious

The Antidote for Today's Marketing Mess
Jack Trout
Wiley, 2008
8 Book
Al Ries and Jack Trout
Profile Books, 1994
7 Buch

Trout über Strategie

Wie Sie die Köpfe der Verbraucher und damit die Märkte erobern
Jack Trout
Linde, 2004
8 Book

Trout on Strategy

Capturing Mindshare, Conquering Markets
Jack Trout
McGraw-Hill, 2004
5 Book

A Genie's Wisdom

A Fable of How a CEO Learned to be a Marketing Genius
Jack Trout
Wiley, 2003
9 Book

Big Brands, Big Trouble

Lessons Learned the Hard Way
Jack Trout
Wiley, 2001
8 Book

The Power of Simplicity

A Management Guide to Cutting Through the Nonsense and Doing Things Right
Jack Trout and Steve Rivkin
McGraw-Hill, 1999
9 Book

Positioning: The Battle For Your Mind

How to Be Seen and Heard in the Overcrowded Marketplace
Jack Trout and Al Ries
McGraw-Hill, 2001
9 Book

Differentiate or Die

Survival in Our Era of Killer Competition
Jack Trout and Steve Rivkin
Wiley, 2000