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L&D powers the AI future

The AI era is here, and leaders across learning and talent development have a new mandate: help people and organizations rise to opportunity with speed and impact. 

As AI reshapes how people learn, work, and chart their careers, L&D sits at the center of organizational agility, delivering business innovation and critical skills. This report combines survey results, LinkedIn behavioral data, and wisdom from L&D pros around the globe to help you rewrite your playbook for the future of work. 

Read on for data, advice, and bold ideas.

A person sits with a coffee mug, and two people sit in front of a laptop.
An animated list showing the top 5 L&D focus areas for 2024. 1 is aligning learning programs to business goals; 2 is upskilling employees; 3 is creating a culture of learning; 4 is helping employees develop their careers; and 5 is improving employee retention.

Show all top 10 focus areas

Show all top 10 focus areas

Additional L&D focus areas for 2024

6. Supporting employees through organizational change

7. Improving learner engagement

8. Measuring the success of learning programs

9. Ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion

10. Promoting employee well-being

AI skills and career development fuel success.

Infographic showing 4 in 5 people want to learn more about how to use AI in their profession, learners who set career goals engage with learning 4x more, and 90% of organizations are concerned about employee retention and providing learning opportunities is the No. 1 retention strategy.