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The New Revolution in Military Affairs

The New Revolution in Military Affairs

War’s Sci-Fi Future

automatisch generiertes Audio
automatisch generiertes Audio

Editorial Rating



  • Analytical
  • Eye Opening
  • Visionary


Former Staff Director of the US Senate Armed Services Committee Christian Brose is sounding the alarm: The United States is utterly unprepared to fight the wars of tomorrow. In an essay in Foreign Affairs, he explains why even the most sophisticated US stealth bombers won’t be able evade detection for much longer, and why America’s state-of-the-art military systems soon won’t stand a chance against a bevy of cheap, autonomous fighting units. Brose’s sober analysis is a must-read for military and military-industry professionals, as well as US policy makers.


Emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence (AI), are transforming the future of warfare. The United States, currently still the world’s preeminent military power, risks falling behind in preparing for the inevitable “revolution in military affairs.” America’s main rivals, Russia and China, meanwhile, have been forging ahead at leveraging new technologies to prepare for the wars of the future. To be able to keep up, the US must shift from a military model that revolves around a few expensive, state-of-the-art military systems to a model involving a high number of expendable, autonomous units. The ubiquity...

About the Author

Christian Brose is former Staff Director of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee.

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