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Eric Barker
Barking Up the Wrong Tree
The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success Is (Mostly) Wrong
HarperOne, 2017
What's inside?
Lifestyle expert Eric Barker provides a playbook of contrasting advice for your career.
This wide-ranging self-help style guide to a better life and career covers an enormous amount of territory. From whether to play it nice and straight, manipulate like Machiavelli, or “fake it until you make it,” lifestyle expert Eric Barker reels you in with all sorts of research-based evidence on one side, only to yank the carpet out from under your feet with at least as much evidence for the other alternative. His back-and-forth style continues through more than 250 pages of studies and stories, cases and examples, including how to get off the unhealthy wheel of competition, create your own definition of success and plan your life accordingly. As Barker points out, for every expert and every study, there are equal and opposite experts and studies, so read with a bit of skepticism and trust your judgment as you decide what applies to you. getAbstract recommends this guide about making productive career choices and finds that it would be especially useful to anyone just starting a career.
About the Author
Eric Barker is the creator of the blog “Barking Up The Wrong Tree” which has more than 325,000 subscribers and is syndicated by Time magazine as well as other media outlets.
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