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Alan Trefler
Build for Change
Revolutionizing Customer Engagement through Continuous Digital Innovation
Wiley, 2014
What's inside?
Generation Y may hate your firm, but it’s Generation D you should worry about. Get ‘em mad and they’ll wipe you out.
Is your company ready for the coming “customerpocalypse” – the wholesale commercial wipeout of companies by angry customers armed with social media? If not, beware that generation D customers will happily trash your firm if you displease them. Author Alan Trefler says the only way to deal with the threat of this looming disaster is by revolutionizing how you relate to customers. Most companies need to transform their business processes and technology systems radically. Trefler’s “call to action” is clever, including the opening graphic: a tombstone reading, “R.I.P. Blockbuster.” His book is also scary. He discusses the increasing irrelevancy of brands and of customer loyalty – the two holiest grails of business for most marketing professionals. getAbstract recommends Trefler’s predictions and tactics to CEOs, start-ups, customer-service professionals, consultants and entrepreneurs who recognize the need to keep pushing, updating and changing in order to deliver the most satisfying customer experiences possible – before you get tweeted to death on Twitter.
About the Author
Alan Trefler, founder, CEO and chairman of Pegasystems, was the co-champion of the 1975 World Open Chess Championship. The Massachusetts Technology Leadership Council named him 2011’s Public Company CEO of the Year.
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