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Zach Gemignani, Richard Galentino, Chris Gemignani and Patrick Schuermann
Data Fluency
Empowering Your Organization with Effective Data Communication
Wiley, 2014
What's inside?
Unlock the value in your data by acquiring data fluency.
Modern technology has unleashed a flood of data, and many managers despair of making sense of it. But as data analysts Zach and Chris Gemignani point out, data is a language, and gaining fluency in any language requires learning the vocabulary, grammar and idioms that work together to create meaning. The authors show how to interpret data to extract actionable information, and they describe how designers can make data products that are clear and easy to use.
About the Authors
CEO and co-founder of Juice Analytics Zach Gemignani consults with companies to improve their data-analytic capacities. Former VP analyst at Citibank and PNC bank Chris Gemignani co-founded Juice Analytics.
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