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Richard Laermer
Full Frontal PR
Building Buzz About Your Business, Your Product, or You
Bloomberg Press, 2004
What's inside?
Here’s how to achieve public relations nirvana — that state where everybody’s talking about you, and you got them to do it.
The advent of the publicly owned media conglomerate has left busy, multi-tasking reporters more dependent than ever on stories pitched by people, like you, who are looking for media placement. Full Frontal PR is an insider’s look at how to make your story sing and dance in the mass media. The modern era requires hype, spin, guerilla marketing, buzz and hard core understanding of the media intake biz. The book’s core lesson: how to get people to talk about you, your product and your service - the most important element in any PR campaign. Here’s how to establish yourself as an expert source, so reporters get in the habit of calling you for quotes. Media veterans may have to dig for new ideas, but they are in here. However, getAbstract particularly suggests this manual of media manipulation to entry and mid-level PR managers who want to know more about creating that buzz.
About the Author
Richard Laermer has written for the New York Daily News, USA Today, US Weekly and several other publications. The author of Native’s Guide to New York and Trendspotting, he appears regularly on public radio as the "Guerrilla Consumer." He is the founder and CEO of RLM Public Relations.
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