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David Snyder
How to Hire a Champion
Insider Secrets to Find, Select, and Keep Great Employees
Career Press, 2008
What's inside?
Looking for the most important trait in a potential hire? Start with character.
Some steps a hiring manager takes are easy enough, such as assessing a candidate’s skill, employment history and educational background. But some steps are a far greater challenge, like determining an applicant’s character, motivation and tenacity. David Snyder, a business consultant with a psychology graduate degree from Harvard, believes that managers must be able to evaluate applicants’ personality traits to hire the right people. His assertions are hard to dispute. His book is loaded with good advice, although the writing can get choppy and repetitive. Still, getAbstract believes Snyder provides solid, practical and useful information. When you think how hard it is to live with – or discard – an incorrect hire, you’ll want to be sure you take on the right people.
About the Author
David Snyder owns a human resources consulting practice and is also the author of How to Mind-Read Your Customers.
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