John Guaspari
I Know It When I See It
A Modern Fable About Quality
AMACOM, 1991
What's inside?
Once upon a time, there was a company that sought Quality. It urged workers to try harder. Didn’t work. It tried lots of inspections. No go. Of course, in the end they all lived happily ever after — but you have to read the story to find out why.
John Guaspari’s instructive and amusing fable about "Quality" has been a favorite in the business world since it was first published in 1985. As it points out what to do and what not to do in the pursuit of quality and market share, the book illustrates the ups and downs of Punctuation, Inc., the mythical company founded by the inventor of punctuation. This thought-provoking and entertaining little book takes only an hour or two to read, but the author intends for its message to stick with you for a lifetime. getAbstract recommends this book to executives, managers, customer-service employees and those who run their own businesses.
About the Author
John Guaspari is vice president of Rath & Strong, Inc. and is the author of of The Customer Connection and Theory Why. His ideas have been translated into three widely used video training programs for the American Management Association: : I Know It When I See It, Why Quality? and The Quality Connection.
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