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Mary Lou Quinlan
Just Ask a Woman
Cracking the Code of What Women Want and How They Buy
Wiley, 2003
What's inside?
You can finally answer the marketing question, “What do women want?” If you want to know anything else, ask the women.
Mary Lou Quinlan interviewed 3,000 women consumers about their desires and buying habits. When you finish her book, you will actually be able to answer the question, "What do women want?" Quinlan’s style is direct and personable. She backs up her arguments with quotes from successful CEOs and marketers and with a smattering of do’s and don’ts from the world of advertising. The book has heart - after all, Quinlan maintains that for women, business is personal - as well as practical advice, although you may have to dig for it. She provides a lot of information on broad thematic lines, sometimes making it tricky to sort out strategies from stories. This is less of a textbook than Marketing to Women (by Martha Barletta from Dearborn Trade Publishing); it is more research-based and extends beyond communications into comparable hands-on, practical counsel. suggests this wakeup call about the buying power of women to professionals in marketing, advertising, sales and customer service. Use this primer to decode those mixed signals you’ve been getting from women in your marketplace - and in your life.
About the Author
Mary Lou Quinlan is the CEO of Just Ask A Woman, a marketing consultancy firm where she helps clients build their business with women. Quinlan is an author, public speaker and expert in brand turnaround.
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