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Frank Lawlis
Mending the Broken Bond
The 90-Day Answer to Developing a Loving Relationship with Your Child
Viking, 2007
What's inside?
Like John Lennon said, “Love is the Answer.” Dr. Frank Lawlis shows you how to forge tender bonds with your children.
Parental love for a child is one of the strongest emotional bonds. However, love alone does not guarantee a healthy, solid relationship or a happy, confident and well-adjusted child. And isn’t that what you want the most? Dr. Frank Lawlis shows you how to channel your love so that you can be a successful parent. Each chapter focuses on one of the 10 steps Lawlis suggests to build, reshape and strengthen the bonds between you and your child. His steps include learning effective communication, managing behavioral challenges, and developing the ability to cooperate, heal and forgive. The book overflows with helpful quizzes, exercises and real-life examples, adding structure and life to his advice. Although Lawlis crafts his plan to fit a 90-day schedule, getAbstract suggests that parents seeking guidance concentrate on the chapters that address their specific concerns.
About the Author
Dr. Frank Lawlis is psychologist, researcher and counselor with more than 35 years of experience working with parents and children. He is the author of the two bestsellers, The ADD Answer and The IQ Answer.
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