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Richard A. Moran
Never Say Whatever
How Small Decisions Make a Big Difference
McGraw-Hill, 2023
What's inside?
Transcend your “whatever” attitude.
Many people take a “whatever” attitude toward everything, but not author Richard Moran. He contends that this flat, non-response to all situations and decisions, big and small, is a waste. In his eyes, people who don’t care about their own choices condemn themselves to inaction and rob their lives of meaning. In this “anti-whatever workbook,” Moran calls for a total about-face. He argues passionately that caring and trying to improve the world through your actions and positive decisions separates people from beasts. Do you care? Or are you detached or without direction? Moran is here to explain how and why to start caring, making intelligent decisions and acting on them.
About the Author
Richard A. Moran, PhD hosts the CBS syndicated radio program, “In the Workplace.” He is an author, business leader and venture capitalist.
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