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Danielle van Well-Stam, Fianne Lindenaar, Suzanne van Kinderen and Bouke van den Bunt
Project Risk Management
An Essential Tool For Managing And Controlling Projects
Kogan Page, 2004
What's inside?
Project risk management seems as essential as blueprints and ladders, so how can your company factor it in…and fast?
Corporate risk managers are professional worriers. It’s bad enough when they have to imagine everything bad that could happen to a headquarters building - and today few things are too farfetched to be dismissed. Then they must take that same existential vulnerability into the field, where hundreds or even thousands of employees are engaged in major projects using heavy equipment to build bridges, dig tunnels or lay rail lines, shooting the risk profile beyond "apoplectic" on the Murphy’s Law scale. That’s when your project risk manager should step in with an armful of charts and graphs to help return your blood pressure to safer levels. The authors, a team of risk management consultants, have written a book for anyone who is responsible for mitigating the profound risks - delays, overruns and accidents - that accompany major infrastructure projects. If you manage your company’s "anything that goes wrong department," or if you have a major project looming, says read this before mistakes happen.
About the Authors
Daniella van Well-Stam specializes in infrastructure project risk management. Fianne Lindenaar has worked at the RISMAN Project Bureau since 1999. Suzanne van Kinderen is a project management consultant specializing in risk management. Bouke van den Bunt, director of the RISMAN Project Bureau since 2000, works in risk analysis and management.
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