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Brian H. Breuel
Staying Wealthy
Strategies for Protecting Your Assets
Bloomberg Press, 1998
What's inside?
So you’ve made a fortune. Now comes the hard part: Keeping it.
Brian H. Breuel gives detailed advice about estate planning, business succession, investing, and long-term care. He argues that many wealth-eroding pitfalls can be avoided with diligent planning and professional advice. He covers common problems, including dying without a will, outdated wills, and business succession. Keeping your business’s value in your family’s hands requires planning well in advance of your retirement or death. The well-organized advice here is detailed enough to be useful to sophisticated readers. getAbstract recommends this book to anyone looking for detailed guidance about estate planning and business succession. [getAbstract note: The legal matters covered are based entirely on U.S. law.]
About the Author
Brian Breuel has worked in financial services since 1968, including stints as a financial planner and life insurance executive. He has earned the ChFC and CLU designations. Breuel has a bachelor’s degree from Princeton, a law degree from the University of Florida, and master’s degrees in management and financial services. This is his second financial planning book.
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