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Scott Gerber and Ryan Paugh
Stop Networking and Start Building Business Relationships that Matter
Da Capo Press, 2018
What's inside?
Superficial networking is meaningless. For real power, build real connections.
Thanks to the internet and social media, connecting virtually with a lot of people has never been easier. For real power, however, Scott Gerber and Ryan Paugh – who manage invitation-only professional communities – urge you to build real connections instead. The road to being an influential “superconnector” involves developing relationships that can last, one person at a time. The authors offer practical advice for creating meaningful, enduring superconnections.
About the Authors
Scott Gerber is the co-founder and CEO of The Community Company, which managers invitation-only professional communities. Ryan Paugh is the co-founder and COO of The Community Company and also co-founded the Young Entrepreneur Council, an invitation-only organization for entrepreneurs age 40 and under.
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