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Jens Kengelbach, Georg Keienburg, Timo Schmid, Dominik Degen and Sönke Sievers
The 2018 M&A Report
Synergies Take Center Stage
Boston Consulting Group, 2018
What's inside?
As competition in M&A grows, synergies become increasingly important.
The word “synergy” is a well-worn term in the jargon-filled world of business. But when it comes to mergers and acquisitions, it’s an increasingly important one. Recent announcements about M&A synergies have raised valuations for targets and boosted publicized returns for acquirers. But investors are becoming more discerning and less willing to take promises about synergy at face value. Executives, board members and investment bankers will find this overview from the Boston Consulting Group a useful guide to the M&A environment.
About the Authors
Jens Kengelbach et al. are professionals at the Boston Consulting Group. Sönke Sievers is a professor at Paderborn University in Germany.
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