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William M. Klepper
The CEO's Boss
Tough Love in the Boardroom
Columbia UP, 2010
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A board of directors must sometimes administer “tough love” to a CEO. Failure to do so is a dereliction of its duty.
Enron. Global Crossing. WorldCom. Adelphia. Tyco International. These corporate cautionary tales point to the crucial importance of responsible corporate governance. Columbia Business School Professor William M. Klepper discusses why boards must treat CEOs with “tough love” to focus them on corporate goals. He suggests a “Social Contract” to set up the working partnership between directors and CEOs. Klepper, an expert on Boards, has worked on executive education with some of the world’s best-known firms. He tends to name-drop, but maybe his self-promotion is justified, because he sure knows his subject. Board members and CEOs will learn a lot from his insightful, instructive and fascinating case histories.
About the Author
William M. Klepper is a professor of management at the Columbia Business School, and he directs Columbia University’s partnership with the Outstanding Directors Exchange.
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