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Michael E. Gerber
The E-Myth Revisited
Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It
HarperBusiness, 1995
What's inside?
Create your own business by overcoming false myths about entrepreneurs, businesses, marketing and strategic development.
Business owners typically learn about corporate pitfalls the hard way. After falling into a professional pit, entrepreneurs are forced to yank themselves up by their fraying bootstraps. Fortunately, Michael E. Gerber provides a well-written tutorial about business plans, strategic growth and employee management. He delivers an elegant dose of reality with strategic examples, concrete numbers and marketing insights. At times, some of the examples and scenarios are a bit sappy and repetitive, but the book scores points for delivering difficult lessons in bite-sized portions. getAbstract recommends this book to entrepreneurs and other dreamers.
About the Author
Michael E. Gerber, chairman, CEO and founder of E-Myth Worldwide, is the author of The E-Myth. Gerber has re-engineered operating strategies for more than 25,000 small businesses and entrepreneurs.
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