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Fred Neubauer and Alden G. Lank
The Family Business
Its Governance for Sustainability
Routledge, 1998
What's inside?
Family business: rewarding, profitable, and all too often, short-lived.
Fred Neubauer and Alden G. Lank take a long hard look at the family business, both as a powerful engine of economic development and as a fragile organism in need of constant care and attention. After an initial examination of family business’ role in the global economy, Neubauer and Lank turn to an assessment of what makes some family concerns thrive while others disintegrate. Their answer: corporate governance, or the lack thereof. An academic tone permeates the book, resulting in both some patches of dry prose and an intellectual rigor lacking in most business books. highly recommends this serious study of family business to any serious students of business in general.
About the Authors
Fred Neubauer is a professor of Multinational Corporate Strategy and Planning at the International Institute for Management Development in Lausanne, Switzerland. He has been a consultant to multinational corporations, many of them leading, family-controlled enterprises. He is the co-author of Corporate Board - Confronting the Paradoxes. Alden G. Lank is a professor of Family Enterprises and Organizational Behavior at the Institute for Management Development. He is also President and member of the Executive Board of the Family Business Network and sits on the editorial board of the Family Business Review.
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