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The Family Caregiver’s Manual
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The Family Caregiver’s Manual

A Practical Planning Guide to Managing the Care of Your Loved One

Compassionate Care

by David Meyer

Attorney and gerontologist David Levy offers a comprehensive actionable manual for anyone with a relative who needs daily care — or will in the future.

People today live longer than previous generations, but many older adults cannot afford institutionalized care. They must rely on their relatives and friends. Attorney and gerontologist David Levy’s sensitive, practical manual will help family members create a personalized plan to meet the challenges of being caregivers. Most family care — 85% — is nonclinical, but it can involve complex legal and insurance issues, transportation, family conflicts, physical limitations, and more. Levy offers a clear path through this intimidating and emotionally fraught thicket.

“The Family Caregiver”

You are a family caregiver if you provide legal, health, financial or social assistance to a relative or care for someone with special needs.