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Michael Ray
The Highest Goal
The Secret That Sustains You in Every Moment
Berrett-Koehler, 2004
What's inside?
To live a happy, fulfilling life, follow your heart, realize your purpose and align what you do with who you really are.
If you experience a lack of connection between what you love doing - what you are genetically and physically programmed to do - and your work, the misalignment can make you miserable. Author Michael Ray contends that life doesn’t have to be that way. He guides you through some soul-searching steps to put you in touch with that one thing that really brings you joy. He calls this your "highest goal" - the quest that drives you to fulfill your purpose. He explains that you can think creatively, discover your highest goal, and steadily follow a path that leads to satisfaction, joy and meaning. getAbstract recommends this book to readers who are interested in self-help literature; Ray does a good job of explaining how to define your highest goal and get started on the path to achieving it.
About the Author
Michael Ray taught "Personal Creativity in Business" at Stanford University for 25 years. He is a social psychologist and the co-author of many books, including Creativity in Business, The Path of the Everyday Hero and The Creative Spirit.
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