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Edward B. Keller and Jon Berry
The Influentials
One American in Ten Tells the Other Nine How to Vote, Where to Eat, and What to Buy
Free Press, 2003
What's inside?
Who do you ask when you want to select a restaurant, vacation or political candidate — you ask an Influential.
The theme of personal influence, buzz and viral spread of ideas and opinions has been the subject of several recent books. This one adds depth of research to the discussion of influence in America. The book is quite thorough, examining the opinions of Influentials across a spectrum of subjects. At times, it offers strong and original insight into the nature of influence. At other times, it seems merely to repeat the obvious observations and commonplace ideas now current in the business press. But finds it well worth a read, if only to provoke thought about this significant shift in how people make decisions and what that means for your marketing.
About the Authors
Ed Keller is CEO of the global marketing research and consulting firm RoperASW. Jon Berry is a vice president with RoperASW.
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