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Daniel F. Spulber
The Market Makers
How Leading Companies Create and Win Markets
McGraw-Hill, 1998
What's inside?
Stop thinking about making and selling products. Start thinking about creating and winning markets.
Author and teacher Daniel Spulber offers insights that are becoming increasingly relevant as technological innovations make transactions between customers and businesses faster, cheaper and more important. The strategic framework he presents - that you should view companies as transaction facilitators, not as product makers or service providers - will force you to rethink your most fundamental beliefs about your business. getAbstract recommends this book to managers, strategists and students of all branches of business who are looking for a fresh analysis of 21st-century competition.
About the Author
Daniel F. Spulber holds the Thomas G. Ayers Chair at Northwestern University’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management. He has written several books and won eight National Science Foundation Research Grants.
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