Stephen O’Grady
The New Kingmakers
How Developers Conquered the World
O'Reilly, 2013
What's inside?
Want to make software developers happy? Offer free beer, free software and liberated working conditions.
The latest developments from Silicon Valley are economically disruptive and socially jarring for managers from all industries – even the tech world. This slim guide by tech consultant Stephen O’Grady stresses that software programmers are scarce and hard to woo. They’re as much a mystery to old-school tech companies like Oracle and Sun Microsystems as they are to everyone else. O’Grady says the developers won, they’re going to get what they want and you should get over it. His advice might seem a bitter pill for those selling software or hiring developers to create software. O’Grady backs his assertions with sound logic: The “kingmakers,” as he calls programmers, are in charge now and you have to figure out how to make them happy. O’Grady suggests free beer and free software, and that’s just to start. getAbstract recommends his straightforward, useful advice to managers who want to hire, retain and understand developers.
About the Author
Stephen O’Grady co-founded the developer-focused technology analyst firm RedMonk.
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