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Dirk Bauer and Niels Van Quaquebeke
The rise of Bitcoin doesn’t mean the end of banks. Here’s why
World Economic Forum, 2017
What's inside?
Bitcoin is soaring, yet many are concerned about a financial system with no central authority.
As bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies gain more acceptance, many wonder if the blockchain technology behind it will usurp the role of banks. According to professors Dirk Baur and Niels Van Quaquebeke, the answer is a resounding no. By applying historical context to the bitcoin craze, the authors shed light on why the currency may be unworkable in the long term without a governing central authority. getAbstract recommends this thought-provoking article to bankers, investors and anyone interested in the future of bitcoin and blockchain.
About the Authors
Dirk Baur is a professor at the University of Western Australia. Niels Van Quaquebeke is a professor at the Kühne Logistics University in Hamburg, Germany.
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