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Don Middleberg
Winning PR in the Wired World
Powerful Communications Strategies for the Noisy Digital Space
McGraw-Hill, 2001
What's inside?
Step aside for the great e-communicator...
Don Middleberg adapts key public relations strategies to the new media landscape, transformed by the Internet and wireless communications. He emphasizes the need for response speed and short-term - as well as long-term - planning, since this new environment changes so quickly as to render the future unpredictable. He outlines techniques for getting buzz, which is now a critical element in effective branding. However, this book cannot help but be affected by the dot-com downfall: Many of its examples refer to now defunct companies, or to those who are in deep trouble (and may well be deceased by the time you read this review). Still, if you overlook the problems that come from writing during the Internet reality-warp, recommends this executive guide for its solid PR strategies, which although geared for a high-tech world, are firmly rooted in traditional method.
About the Author
Don Middleberg is the chairman and CEO of Middleberg Euro, the fastest-growing public relations agency in the U.S. for the past two years, with offices in New York, San Francisco and Boston. A noted author and lecturer, Middleberg is an expert in digital public relations. He is co-author of the Middleberg/Ross Media in Cyberspace Study. He is regularly called upon for commentary by numerous magazines and newspapers and has appeared on CNBC, C/Net, CNN, and National Public Radio talking about PR techniques and trends.
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