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Lou Adler
Hire With Your Head
Using POWER Hiring to Build Great Companies
Wiley, 2002
¿De qué se trata?
To get the best people, present the job as a career. But first, know what you want done and the traits you want to hire.
Lou Adler, president of the Power Hiring consulting and training company, provides a systematic approach for finding, interviewing and hiring the best candidate for a job. He emphasizes making an objective assessment and, to this end, he provides techniques for overcoming first impressions. He identifies four key interview questions you can use to determine job candidates’ competency and motivation, and to match their skills and interests to your company’s needs. The book includes charts and checklists that highlight important points. getAbstract.com recommends this well-organized guide to effective hiring to company owners, human resource personnel and managers involved in the hiring process. Alert job seekers may also find it useful to learn what a good interview will demand.
About the Author
Lou Adler is founder and president of Power Hiring, a consulting and training company, and of CJA-The Adler Group, a California executive search firm. Many national organizations, including Verizon, Texas Instruments, the YMCA, Tricon and Cardinal Health now use his hiring techniques.
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