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Dale Carnegie Training
Stand and Deliver
How to Become a Masterful Communicator and Public Speaker
Touchstone, 2011
¿De qué se trata?
Dale Carnegie Training specializes in turning shy, retiring, nervous people into great speakers. Now, it’s your turn to shine.
Dale Carnegie Training offers a truly outstanding book on public speaking in the name of its founder, Dale Carnegie. Among other techniques, this guide teaches readers how to deal with glossophobia, the fear of public speaking, which is the world’s most common phobia. The Carnegie organization’s training tactics are known for turning fearful, nervous presenters into dynamic, powerful speechmakers. This book is as valuable for orators as Gray’s Anatomy is for medical professionals. If only it weren’t written in the first person, as if Dale Carnegie himself were giving you advice – as he no doubt would be glad to do, had he not died in 1955. Carnegie, the author of the classic How to Win Friends and Influence People, may well be an immortal author, but the use of his first-person voice decades later is a little jarring. Other than this minor haunting, getAbstract recommends this eminently practical book to both aspiring and accomplished public speakers.
About the Author
Dale Carnegie, author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, founded Dale Carnegie Training, which has taught leadership and presentation skills to some seven million people.
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