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The price of paper has doubled this year and publishers are freaking out that their print magazines and newspapers are in jeopardy

Freshly printed 'Zurich Tagesanzeiger'newspapers coming out of the rotary press at the printing facility of Tamedia in Zurich, the largest newspaper printing plant in Switzerland.
Publishers are getting seriously concerned about the soaring cost of paper. EThamPhoto/Getty Images
  • The cost of newsprint has almost doubled over the past year.
  • Publishers are now worried they may have to make cuts to their magazines and newspapers.
  • In the UK, publishers are lobbying the government for tax credits and ad revenue to protect their titles.

Publishers around the globe are drawing up worst-case scenario plans amid the soaring cost and scarcity of paper that threatens the future of their print newspapers and magazines.

Newsprint in the UK was priced at around 360 pounds ($426) per ton in the first quarter of 2021; now the price has almost doubled to around £710 ($841), said Rick Stunt, group paper director at DMG media, which prints The Daily Mail and dozens of regional titles. It represents a 40% premium on the historic high of 510 pounds per ton, he said. 

In the US, the price has risen by a similar percentage, to around $800 a ton, according to Stunt.

"These are big increases. We don't usually get this over an 18-month period," said Stunt. "In the past, really big increases were about 20 to 25%."


As demand for paper declined over the last 20 to 30 years amid the digital revolution, paper mills across the world shut down. Then along came the COVID-19 pandemic and the labor shortages and supply chain snafus that followed. Added to an already tight market, demand for cardboard packages soared amid the ecommerce boom. This year, rising inflation and ballooning energy costs have made an already bad situation worse for paper supply.

"From an industry perspective it's a disaster because you've got no choice but to reduce the amount of pages you print, choose to increase your cover price, or a combination thereof — and that will reduce demand," said an executive at the UK's Daily Telegraph who said they were confident they could absorb the cost by passing on the price to subscribers.

Other options on the table include reducing the number of pages printed, shrinking the physical size of magazines and newspapers, cutting certain editions — such as weekdays — and winding down the print product altogether, experts said. Time Out, Entertainment Weekly, InStyle, and a number of Gannett-owned regionals are among the titles to have closed their print editions this year, with most saying they planned to refocus efforts on their digital assets.

Publishers are jacking up prices

The spike in paper costs marks the latest in a string of challenges for the global publishing industry, which faces increasing competition for consumer attention and brand ad dollars against a slew of social, gaming, and streaming platforms. Publishers are also bracing themselves for a downturn in ad spending and a global cost of living crisis that might force some consumers to give up their subscriptions. That's not to mention staff salary inflation and rising fuel costs. 


Print was already on the decline but still represents a decent proportion of many publishers' revenue. Net global revenue for print newspapers and magazines — which includes circulation and advertising sales — is projected to reach $128.5 billion this year, according to Statista. Print represented 38% of The New York Times' ad revenue and 43% of subscription revenue in 2021.

The constraints on paper began earlier and are more pronounced in Europe due to a recent four-month strike at paper mills in Norway, plus Russia's invasion of Ukraine that has led to soaring energy prices. Ahead of the invasion, Russia was responsible for about 40% of Europe's gas supplies, whereas the US mainly relies on its own domestic supply.

Scandinavian publisher Schibsted is among the publishers to implement price increases across several of its print products.

"News Media is continually looking for ways to secure profitability from the print business as long as possible," said Siv Juvik Tveitnes, executive vice president and head of Schibsted News Media. "We always consider whether the implementation of particular actions need to be accelerated when conditions change."


The challenges could continue into 2023

In the UK, which is experiencing a 40-year high inflation rate, the newspaper industry is lobbying the government for tax credits to support the employment of public-interest journalists. It has also suggested the government funnel ad money the news industry's way — similar to how it bolstered the sector by running public-information campaigns in the early onset of the COVID-19 pandemic — to alleviate some of the short-term pressures. Still, even this request is being held up amid the recent changeover in the UK government's leadership. 

"It's a tough market at the moment, particularly for the local, independent end of the market where you haven't got the economies of scale and you haven't got the potential to make back office savings in the same way that larger groups might have," said Owen Meredith, CEO of the UK News Media Association, which is leading the lobbying efforts.

i-D magazine cover featuring model Celina Ralph
i-D magazine's June "Earthrise" issue only featured archive, vintage, or second-hand clothes. Vice Media

Felix Petty, executive editor of Vice Media Group's i-D fashion title, said that as the cost of paper and other raw materials grew over the last 18 months, the magazine has been moving toward using more sustainable solutions, such as carbon offsetting and using Forest Stewardship Council-certified paper and vegetable oil-based inks.

"Paper is more expensive anyway so a bit more cost on top to then have this positive impact is, to us, worthwhile," Petty said.


There are some signals from European paper suppliers that the situation should ease in the back half of the year — but in the US, the challenges look set to continue into next year, supply chain management firm Elanders Group signaled on its July earnings call.

Publishers are grappling with what to do amid uncertainty about how long this inflationary period will last. Planning is tricky: While newspapers used to be able to order paper and within a couple of weeks load that order onto a truck, now it's taking 12 weeks and sometimes longer, said Ford Bowers, CEO of the Printing United Alliance US trade association.

"The best you can do, as near as I can tell, is just continue to work with paper suppliers as far in advance as you can possible," said Bowers. "Instead of waiting for an order to come in, anticipate what you might need based on where you're going to be six to nine months from now and get commitments from paper distributors now."

Still, as DMG Media's Stunt pointed out, some publishers may need to stomach a surcharge in order to secure the paper they need.


"The only thing news publishers can do is try and accelerate the migration of print customers to digital," said Alice Enders, head of research at media research company Enders Analysis.

But that's easier said than done. Free print titles are particularly exposed, according to Enders.

"By its very nature, a consumer of print is not hooked into the digital subscription and there's no obvious path to take them from print to digital," Enders said. "The only inevitable consequence in my view is to have a decline in margin."

Inflation Economy Supply Chain
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