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Todd Bermont
10 Insider Secrets to a Winning Job Search
Everything You Need to Get the Job You Want in 24 Hours - Or Less
Career Press, 2004
To find your ideal job, become the ideal applicant. Visualize your dreams and organize yourself to win the job you want.
This guide to job hunting may provide a practical boost if you’re looking for a job. It recaps some of the most widely known and broadly discussed tips about job seeking, and presents them clearly and concisely. Though it has little that is brand new, it does put some things in a different, positive light. Author Todd Bermont backs up his book with a website and provides details about his 10 recommendations. While they may not really be secrets, they amount to an organized 10-step path to finding a new and better job. Bermont is chatty, and uses conversational (as opposed to textbook) grammar, as he boosts your self-confidence and assures you that the perfect job is out there, if you search for it the right way. His first three steps urge you to deal with your own assets and wishes before you begin to contact prospective employers. However, once you are ready for that step, he makes sure you know how to proceed with the right resume, contact strategy and interview technique. getAbstract recommends this book to those who are searching for entry level or mid-level jobs. It may not be quite sophisticated enough to open doors into the executive suite, but when you’re out of work your job becomes finding a job - and this book will help.
About the Author
Todd Bermont is president and founder of 10 Step Corporation, a firm specializing in sales training, sales consulting, keynote speaking and career coaching. He has been awarded the "Certificate of Merit" by Writers Digest magazine and "Businessman of the Year" by the Business Advisory Council.
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