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Hermann Simon and Adam Echter
Beating Inflation
An Agile, Concrete and Effective Corporate Guide
Springer, 2022
Inflation isn’t going away anytime soon, so here’s how businesses should react.
Since 2021, inflation has vexed consumers, preoccupied central bankers and dominated headlines. Businesses have responded with a rash of price increases, but what’s the right way for corporate managers to cope with inflation, particularly when many companies have never operated in an inflationary environment? Pricing experts Hermann Simon and Adam Echter weigh in with this brief manual that walks organizational leaders through the calculus of responding to inflation. The authors argue that it’s not as simple as raising prices; you’ll need to consider a host of factors that could likely change your business forever.
About the Authors
Hermann Simon is the founder and honorary chairman of Simon-Kucher Partners, a leading price consultancy. Adam Echter is a partner at the firm.
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