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Jason Rich
Job Hunting for the Utterly Confused
McGraw-Hill, 1998
Job-hunting: The ultimate full-time job.
Author Jason Rich offers a functional how-to targeted at job seekers. What it lacks in originality, the book makes up for in thoroughness. Rich provides lists of "action words" for use in resumes and cover letters, a review of likely interview questions, a description of four different resume formats, an exhaustive list of self-inventory questions, and topical advice from employment experts. The writing is uninspired, but novice job hunters probably aren’t looking for breathless prose. getAbstract recommends this solid book to rookies just striking out into the job market, or for older job seekers who are just plain striking out
About the Author
Author Jason R. Rich already has a job: writing a weekly column for The Boston Herald’s Sunday career section. He has written over 20 books, including First Job, Great Job, and a number of best-selling video- and computer-game strategy books. He has also written feature articles that have appeared in The Wall Street Journal and the National Business Employment Weekly.
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