Azriela Jaffe
Let's Go Into Business Together
Eight Secrets to Successful Business Partnering
Career Press, 2001
When you say “I do” to a business partnership, it’s just like getting married — only with less sex and more money. Hopefully.
If you’re thinking about entering into a partnership, you’re probably too close to your new venture to be able to see the pitfalls clearly - much like the early stages of a romance. The "partnership is like a marriage" theme may seem a trifle hackneyed, but when something is basically true it tends to get repeated. Azriela Jaffe’s straightforward, easy-to-read book includes checklists you can use to see if you’re really ready for partnership. You need objective advice to face the reality that you are entering a relationship that, no matter how exciting in the beginning, holds real potential for turning ugly later. This book will help you navigate territory that may be more hazardous than you think. recommends it to entrepreneurs who are considering a partnership, as well as to those wearing their current partners around their necks.
About the Author
Azriela Jaffe is the author of eight books. Her consulting firm, Anchored Dreams, and her syndicated column, "Advice from A-Z," both help business professionals cope with balancing their business and personal lives. An expert on entrepreneurial couples, Jaffe also speaks professionally and has appeared on more than 200 radio and television programs. Her earlier books include Honey, I want to Start My Own Business: A Planning Guide for Couples and Two Jews Can Still Be a Mixed Marriage.
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