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Matthew J. Deluca and Nanette F. Deluca
More Best Answers To the 201 Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions
McGraw-Hill, 2001
It’s not the best candidate that gets the job — it’s the best interviewee.
This comprehensive, smart book gives you the basics on how to get a job interview, perform well at the interview, end the interview and even negotiate the terms of your benefits if you’re hired. The authors raise and provide answers to several hundred questions - some of them painfully obvious, but some of them pretty tough, like "Why do you have that felony conviction?" getAbstract has the 202nd question: If you’re applying for a job, why haven’t you already read this?
About the Authors
Matthew J. DeLuca and Nanette F. DeLuca are principals and founders of Management Resource Group Inc., a human resource recruiting and consulting firm. Recent clients include Lifetime TV, and Uproar Inc. They have co-authored several books about job hunting.
Comment on this summary
There are some books that can't be summarized well enough ... this being one. In 5 pages you can't list 201 questions (forget about answers) but at least the summary should have listed some to give the reader an idea of he or she should go for the full book.