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Rob Fazio
Simple Is the New Smart
26 Success Strategies to Build Confidence, Inspire Yourself, and Reach Your Ultimate Potential
Career Press, 2016
Make simplicity your personal strategy: the smart, simple approach is the most direct way to success.
Sports psychologist and crisis consultant Rob Fazio explains how to succeed through simplicity. In this lifestyle and job management manual, he presents simplicity-based strategies to streamline your work and life and explains how to build effective approaches for handling the stress that impedes your success. Just look out for the occasional light word tangle, such as this sentence recommending balancing opposite approaches, “It is all right to be subjective, as long as you also take the time to be objective.” Fazio is an accomplished communicator and his simplicity guide is a solid lifestyle manual. getAbstract recommends his generous, sensible advice.
About the Author
Sports psychologist and crisis consultant, Rob Fazio, PhD, is managing partner of OnPoint Advising, a keynote speaker and president of the nonprofit Hold the Door for Others.
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