Deborah Liu
Take Back Your Power
10 New Rules for Women at Work
Zondervan, 2022
Insights to help women thrive in a work world biased against them.
Tech industry CEO Deborah Liu built a successful career by pushing past the boundaries imposed by society – and herself. She offers insights, supported by research and the experiences of other successful women, that provide a strong foundation for women navigating the biased world of business. Liu offers 10 rules to guide women to chart their career, adopt a learning mind-set, find allies, and balance their home and work responsibilities. Her wisdom will serve any woman who’s struggled to make an impact in the workplace, as well as those who seek to become true allies.
About the Author
Deborah Liu is CEO of Ancestry and the creator of Facebook Marketplace. She’s also the founder of Women in Product, a nonprofit that connects women working in product management.
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