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Jathan Sadowski
Too Smart
How Digital Capitalism is Extracting Data, Controlling Our Lives, and Taking Over the World
MIT Press, 2020
Using your data makes technocrats and “digital capitalists” rich and empowers them to control you.
Jathan Sadowski’s searing, alarming exposé reveals how smart technology will soon achieve domination of human life. Technocratic organizations use smart devices to extract data from people’s bodies, homes and interactions with police and government agencies. Everything you do becomes a source of value they aggregate, analyze and sell to insurance companies, retailers and surveillance enterprises. Governments and corporations use data to control you using covert and overt behavior-modification methods. Sadowski issues an urgent call to action to collectivize data and resist corporate encroachment.
About the Author
Jathan Sadowski is a research fellow in the Emerging Technologies Research Lab at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. He writes on the politics of technology for publications including The Guardian, OneZero, and Real Life.
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