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Neil Pasricha
You Are Awesome
How to Navigate Change, Wrestle with Failure, and Live an Intentional Life
Gallery Books, 2019
Learn to view your failures as an important component of success.
Best-selling author Neil Pasricha may seem to build a simple case for how “awesome” you are, basing his reporting on numerous research studies and expert opinions. He upends the current culture of perfection by stressing the importance of failure. He also tells you to find time to unplug from today’s constant connectivity. In his exuberant, sometimes simplistic way, he challenges you to do the work and take responsibility for your next step in life. You may think you know what lies ahead, but studies show you don’t. This book will give a boost to employees, managers and executives who want to become more resilient and to make sure they’re on the path that works for them.
About the Author
Award-winning author Neil Pasricha has written six books on intentional living, two of which sold more than a million copies and spent 200 weeks on the New York Times bestselling list. He hosts the podcast 3 Books.
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