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Mike Rother

10 Livro

Aprendendo a Enxergar

Mapeamento do fluxo de valor para agregar valor e eliminar o desperdício
Mike Rother e John Shook
Lean Enterprise Institute, 1999
10 Book

Learning to See

Value Stream Mapping to Add Value and Eliminate Muda
Mike Rother and John Shook
Lean Enterprise Institute, 1999
8 Livro

A Cultura Toyota Kata

Aprimorando a capacidade organizacional e a mentalidade através do Kata Coaching
Mike Rother e Gerd Aulinger
McGraw-Hill, 2017
8 Book

The Toyota Kata Practice Guide

Practicing Scientific Thinking Skills for Superior Results in 20 Minutes a Day
Mike Rother
McGraw-Hill, 2017
8 Book

Toyota Kata Culture

Building Organizational Capability and Mindset Through Kata Coaching
Mike Rother and Gerd Aulinger
McGraw-Hill, 2017
9 Book

Toyota Kata

Managing People for Improvement, Adaptiveness, and Superior Results
Mike Rother
McGraw-Hill, 2009