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Cass R. Sunstein
Free Markets and Social Justice
Oxford UP, 1997
Sobre o que é?
Where law and economics meet morality and social forces: a thought-provoking analysis of free markets and free people.
Cass R. Sunstein’s book is a serious piece of scholarship about very engaging legal and social issues concerning economics and law. The book derives both strengths and weaknesses from its beginnings as a series of lectures presented from 1990 to 1995. Each chapter presents a thoughtful thesis, but not all chapters link together in a clearly understandable manner. However, a reader who is prepared to put in the required effort will gain a wealth of thought-provoking material. getAbstract recommends this book to anyone who misses pure intellectual challenge. Lawyers, policy makers and economists are most likely to appreciate it.
About the Author
Legal scholar Cass R. Sunstein served as administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs during the Obama administration. He is the author of Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech, The Partial Constitution, After the Rights Revolution, Legal Reasoning and Political Conflict, Can It Happen Here, The Cost-Benefit Revolution, Going to Extremes, On Freedom, How Change Happens and The World According to Star Wars. He is a frequent contributor to The New Republic and The New York Times Book Review.
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