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John C. Maxwell
Developing the Leader Within You
Thomas Nelson, 2000
Что внутри?
To develop your leadership skills, help others become leaders too – that, and a big dose of charisma, ought to do it.
In this early work, leadership expert John C. Maxwell lays out 10 principles of leadership and team building. According to Maxwell, leaders are not born; instead, they develop their skills throughout a lifetime of practice. Perhaps because he was a minister for 25 years, Maxwell is somewhat overly fond of well-worn anecdotes and even ditties, but some readers will find that his charts, pull-quotes, bulleted lists and cartoons help make his ideas easily accessible. getAbstract recommends this book to beginning managers who want to learn leadership and to experienced ones who want to progress farther.
About the Author
John C. Maxwell develops leadership materials and has consulted for Fortune 500 companies and professional sports organizations. He is the author of The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership and The 360 Degree Leader.
Comment on this summary
There is something funny with the numbering of chapters in this abstract (many chapters are number 1), but it doesn't really matter, because the text itself is loaded with value. I wish it was so easy to do everything that is in there as it is to read.