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Accelerating Technologies Will Create a Global State by 2050


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By 2050, the world could become a single global democracy and artificial intelligence will become trillions of times more intelligent than human beings.

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Editorial Rating



  • Innovative


Acclaimed and controversial professor Hugo de Garis describes a vision of the future based on the concept of singularity. By 2050, he says, the rapid free flow of ideas and information will lead to a global democracy called “Globa.” At the same time, artificial intelligence will become trillions of times more intelligent than human beings. It may read like science fiction, but this essay will cause you to think about how technology is changing our world. getAbstract recommends de Garis’s perspective to futurists, techies and anyone interested in rapidly progressing technology.


According to the phenomenon known as “bit rate annual doubling,” the Internet doubles in speed each year. Physicists will tell you that substrates – the basis for semiconductors – can, theoretically, be infinitely small. That means that by 2050 “the Internet will be a billion times faster than it is today,” opening a whole new world of possibilities. For example, 60% of the content on the World Wide Web will be written in English; therefore, English will become the world’s universal language. With one language, people all over the planet will come...

About the Author

Hugo de Garis is the author of The Artilect War: Cosmists vs. Terrans: A Bitter Controversy Concerning Whether Humanity Should Build Godlike Massively Intelligent Machines.

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