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Jeffrey J. Fox
How to Become a Great Boss
The Rules for Getting and Keeping the Best Employees
Hyperion, 2002
Что внутри?
A good boss hires slowly and fires quickly.
Jeffrey J. Fox has a talent for pointing out the obvious, but often forgotten, basics of business and management. Like Fox’s previous books, How to Become a Great Boss contains almost nothing that is entirely original. Instead, it compiles what should be common-sense guidelines for effective leadership and presents them in a manner that is both educational and inspirational. Fox has the ability to get you thinking about what you are doing as a manager and about the things that you have allowed to fall by the wayside. For that simple but valuable lesson, getAbstract.com strongly recommends this book to all bosses, managers and leaders.
About the Author
Jeffrey J. Fox, the bestselling author of How to Become a Rainmaker and How to Become a CEO, is the founder of Fox & Company, a marketing consulting firm. Before starting Fox & Company, he was the Vice-President of Marketing and Corporate VP for the Loctite Corporation. He was the subject of a Top 100 Harvard Business School case study that is widely used in marketing classes and is a frequent speaker to large organizations and groups of senior executives.
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