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Marlene Caroselli
Leadership Skills for Managers
McGraw-Hill, 2000
Что внутри?
To become leaders, managers must master multiple roles: Start with problem-solver, team builder and communicator.
If this book were an entrée, it would mostly consist of meat and potatoes. Author Marlene Caroselli accompanies her valuable handbook on the basics of leadership with insightful quotations and anecdotes. "Basic" is the operative word here. The book makes no pretense, for example, of delving into the theoretical side of leadership development. Nor does it prepare managers for specific business tasks that they’re more likely to encounter as leaders, such as budgeting and strategic planning. Rather, this book is specifically tailored for current managers who have leadership ambitions, and for newly minted leaders who need a little expertise to seize control of their new roles. getAbstract.com recommends it as a solid menu option with lots of good advice for that eager-to-lead audience. The book is thoroughly crafted to achieve its purpose, though more experienced readers may find themselves asking, "Where’s the gravy?"
About the Author
Dr. Marlene Caroselli is a facilitator, keynote speaker and workshop leader, who has written more than 40 books. She is a frequent contributor to Stephen Covey’s Excellence magazine, as well as several other publications.
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