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John Adair
Strategic Leadership
How to Think and Plan Strategically and Provide Direction (The John Adair Leadership Library)
Kogan Page, 2010
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Learn from the greats: See what Xenophon, Lao-Tzu and Field Marshal Montgomery can teach you about leadership.”
John Adair is a pivotal expert on “strategic leadership” – a term he says he introduced in the 1970s – and he has written some 50 books on the topic. Employing ancient Greek history as his touchstone, Adair presents invaluable information, sharp insights, wonderful quotes and fascinating anecdotes about the history and techniques of strategic leadership in this exceptionally literate treatise. Adair uses clear, simple sentences to get his points across, creating a blueprint to help anyone become an effective strategic leader. Unlike many authors, his efficient, authoritarian – but never hectoring – style conveys every point he makes about leadership. Just as he suggests, a good leader never draws attention to his or her leadership methods. Adair’s elegant merging of form and function makes this a necessary and accessible textbook. getAbstract recommends this solid read to leaders interested in personal development, strategy and ancient history, and to those who simply love great quotes and aphorisms on leadership.
About the Author
John Adair has pioneered leadership programs in which more than one million managers have participated. His 50 books include How to Grow Leaders, The Inspirational Leader, John Adair’s 100 Greatest Ideas for Effective Leadership and Management, and Not Bosses, But Leaders.
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