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Ayn Rand, Nathaniel Branden, Alan Greenspan and Robert Hessen
The Unknown Ideal
Signet, 1986
Ayn Rand’s presentation of her philosophy, which continues to influence today’s libertarians
At one time, Ayn Rand was a sensation, and her ideas retain a hold on the libertarian movement. Her books are longtime bestsellers, but for most readers she is a phase rather than an intellectual foundation. Leftist critics seem to think she represents conservatism, although that’s not quite accurate. In her heyday, she had as many opponents on the right as on the left. This book presents a collection of essays by Rand and fellow contributors Nathaniel Branden, Alan Greenspan and Robert Hessen, thinkers who helped shape a unique philosophy in American political thought. Although Rand is still a political presence, her reach has diminished and her disciples have maintained varying degrees of faithfulness to her principles. For example, you would hardly recognize the Alan Greenspan of this book in his present guise as the retired chair of the Federal Reserve. getAbstract recommends this book to both proud and skeptical capitalists, as well as students of U.S. political culture.
About the Authors
Ayn Rand is best known for her political novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, which are still widely read. In her day, she attracted both loyal fans and furious critics.
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