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Tony J. Hughes
Combo Prospecting
The Powerful One-Two Punch That Fills Your Pipeline and Wins Sales
AMACOM, 2018
This “in-the-trenches handbook” on sales prospecting by top seller Tony Hughes crackles with excitement.
This “in-the-trenches handbook” on sales prospecting, written by best-selling author Tony Hughes, crackles with excitement and pep. The book introduces readers to Hughes’s “COMBO Prospecting” approach to sales prospecting: call, leave a message and send an email. Don’t miss an opportunity. He offers useful information about how to get in the door with prospects and how to sell once you’re there. Hughes provides down-to-earth tips and helpful suggestions. He says your first assignment is to make 30 combo calls to prospects every morning.
About the Author
Tony J. Hughes teaches modernized selling within the MBA program at the University of Technology, Sydney. Top Sales Magazine ranks Hughes as the most influential sales authority in the Asia-Pacific region.
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