Darrell M. West
Divided Politics, Divided Nation
Hyperconflict in the Trump Era
Brookings Institution Press, 2019
Today’s America is a divided nation teetering on the brink of violent conflict. How did it come to this?
Polarization and downright hatred seem to characterize American politics nowadays. While some believe this state of affairs is a direct result of Trump’s presidency, Darrell M. West of the Governance Program at the Brooking Institution argues that cultural, economic and political developments laid the groundwork for social divides decades before Trump entered the scene. Drawing on his personal experience of growing up in a conservative community before moving into the liberal world of Brown University, West lays out key factors that have contributed to the polarization of modern American society.
About the Author
Darrell M. West is the vice president and director of governance studies at the Brookings Institution and author of several books on economic and political change and the implications of technological advancement.
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